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Week #15 in the Mac Lab

Week in Review:

The whole week I have been following along with the daily quests from the 411. Mostly the optional quests but I did find out how to use shapes to make a camera icon(Picture Above). Other than that, this week was a very calm and easy week.


In terms of Self-Assessment, I'd give myself a "You Gave it Your All." I claimed 4 of the required Bell-to-Bells, I have acquired no Reaper' Rewards or any such punishments and I believe my DPE to be worthy. So I think I deserve this.

Self-Guided Learning:

Again, I never have anything to use for Digital Art purposes. However, I am still striving to find a High-Efficiency Art app for my Windows computer. Also, it's not like I have much spare time to work on personal or even Related projects at home. We're always doing something at our house. Nothing is not happening and all of my free time is usually focused around late Weeknights or Weekends.

Short-Term Goal:

As said in the previous Category, I strive to get an anonymous art app for my Windows Laptop at home. I have multiple personal ideas that I would love to convey into art. And considering the fact that even simple sketches are being done on the computer, I'm gonna have to adapt quickly if I wanna chance in the Creationist World. Plus, it would help me finish things from here in the Mac Lab in the comfort of my own home!

Long-Term Goal:

Now for my Long-Term goal. I would have to say that my Long-Term goal is to strive a little harder to get an A in this class. That means that I'm gonna have to step it up. Less goofing off, and more Efficiency. It's Crunch Time now boys.

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