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Week #11 in the Mac Lab

Week in Review:

The entire week was spent on Illustrator quests. I only spent time of the Elegant Formal signs and practicing some effects in photoshop. I also tried experimenting with some fonts and font sizes. A very uneventful week other than the Signs, but I hope it will all be worth it.

Self-Guided Learning:

I haven't had any sort of access to outside resources or supplies. I've probably said this way to much, but I still have no access to things like Photoshop and Illustrator. However, I'm trying to find a way to finish Mac Lab Projects and other personal projects with some sort of app that works on Windows 10.


I've outdone myself this week. I have again earned myself a "You Gave It Your All." I have claimed all of my daily Bell-to-Bells and I haven't had to claim any penalties. Let's see if we can keep this up!

Short-Term Goal:

My Short-Term Goal is to get a positive grade. I have a B in this class and my family says that is Unacceptable for their standards. So I must keep working, keep documenting and keep up the good behavior. I must ignore all distractions as much as possible. If only it was that easy. after all, this isn't the most mature class I've ever been in.

Long-Term Goal:

My Short-Term Goal is to keep up the streak of "You Gave it Your All's." I could really use some gold considering the fact that I'm trying to join a Guild. So I'm gonna all the help I can get. The experience will help as well. The more experience you have, the less you'll be hunted. Or maybe it's the other way around. Either way, I hope I can keep this streak up!

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